graphic competence, graphic training, professional training, teacher of labor trainingAbstract
The purpose of the work is to study the essence and importance of graphic competence for the professional development of future teachers of labor training in a pedagogical institution of higher education. The paper presents the results of an analytical review of scientific works on the problem of forming the graphic competence of future teachers of labor training. The study of scientific research shows the inadequacy of the development of this problem in both theoretical and practical aspects. According to the results of the investigation, it was established that the problem of forming the graphic competence of future teachers of labor training has not yet been completed, so the preconditions and prospects for further research have been outlined.
Research methodology: critical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on the outlined problem; study of domestic and foreign experience in the implementation of graphic training of future teachers of labor training in pedagogical institutions of higher education.
Scientific novelty. Based on the results of the study, the author’s definition of the concept of «graphic competence of a teacher of labor training» is proposed, the essence and structure of this psychological and pedagogical phenomenon are revealed.
Conclusions. It is expedient to consider the graphic competence of a teacher of labor training as the ability and conscious need to reflect the stages of professional and pedagogical activity and its results in a figurative and graphic form; understanding the mechanisms of effective use of graphic images for the successful solution of professional tasks, based on the system of graphic knowledge, skills and abilities. The graphic competence of a teacher of labor training is an important and necessary component of the professional training of a constantly evolving specialist. The structural components of graphic competence are closely interrelated. The content of graphic competence is determined by the nature of professional and graphic activities of the teacher of labor training.
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