

musical style, cognition, implementation, representation, stylistic approach


Present article considers the problems problems of cognition and reproduction of musical phenomena on the basis of stylistic approach. The orientation of modern musical and pedagogical innovations on the formation of the individual’s ability to holistic perception and comprehension of cultural and artistic phenomena is emphasized. The significance of style as a fundamental category of art is substantiated, the artistic-cognitive potential of the stylistic approach is revealed, the specifics of formation of musical-stylistic representations which form the basis of the processes of perception, comprehension, reproduction and translation of musical images are covered.

The aim of the article is to analyze the processes of cognition and implementation of musical and stylistic ideas through the prism of existing scientific and pedagogical approaches, as well as to consider the range of problems related to these processes.

The research methodology is based on the philosophical views on the essence of style, conceptual provisions of stylistics and psychological developments on the functional properties of representation.

The scientific novelty lies in the systematization of scientific and methodological approaches to the study of musical and stylistic phenomena, substantiation of the specificity of the cognition and implementation of musical and stylistic ideas, determining the conditions for successful implementation of modern methods of studying the stylistic component of musical works.

Conclusions. 1. The expediency of cognition of musical phenomena by formation of musical-stylistic representations that corresponds to the spiritual essence of style and specific properties of musical art is substantiated. 2. According to the results of studying the mechanisms of cognition and implementation of musical-stylistic representations, the interdependence of these processes is proved, which is considered an indispensable condition for successful comprehension of musical style as a cultural phenomenon. 3. It is found that the implementation of pedagogical innovations, focused on the study of musical and stylistic phenomena, requires the actualization of systemic, culturological, individual and praxeological approaches.

Author Biography

O. Shcherbinina, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University

PhD in Pedagogical sciences,
Associate Professor of Instrumental executive training,
Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University
(Nizhyn, Ukraine)


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