Language personality, communication, professional activity, studying youth, institution of higher educationAbstract
Scientific research raises the question of the development of the language personality of the future teacher-philologist in the context of professional education, determines the role of language education and its impact on the development of personality capable of communication in any sphere of public life. The issue of language personality development leads to a rethinking of teaching the Ukrainian language in higher education institutions, in particular at special faculties, where the emphasis is shifting from the study of language theory to the formation of skills to use them in practice. Higher education should provide a high level of preparation of the applicant for life, who has professional knowledge, formed professional speech, etc.
The future teacher-philologist in the process of professional training must develop the ability to communicate by means of the Ukrainian language, ie to have communicative competence.
The purpose of the work. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, generalize the concept of language personality, determine the role of humanitarian training and its impact on the formation of the personality of future professionals in the education system.
The methodological basis of the study is the theoretical aspects of higher education reform. The article uses methods of pedagogical research: semantic analysis of scientific and theoretical concepts; study, analysis, synthesis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical, linguistic and methodological literature on the researched problem; observation, generalization of advanced pedagogical experience to study the state of development of the problem of language development of the future teacher-philologist in the context of professional training.
The scientific novelty lies in the concretization of the concept of «language personality» of the future teacher-philologist, who has perfect linguistic knowledge and skills, communicative activity, actively works with the word, consciously worries and cares about the development and prestige of language.
Conclusions. The development of the language personality of the future teacher-philologist in the context of professional training is a rather difficult and multifaceted process that requires constant systematic work. Students should be equipped not only with knowledge of the Ukrainian language as a powerful national unifying factor, but also with skills and abilities to speak the language during speech communication in different life situations, because success depends on the established features of communicative competence of the language personality.
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