professional training, automobile transport, environmental protection measures, safety measures, safety of life, pollution of the environmentAbstract
This study examined the interaction of environmental and safety measures in road transport, which is important in training of future professionals in the field of transport, because applicants must develop the ability to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in the process of professional activity in road transport, in particular, which related to security. The author reviewed the consequences of ensuring road safety in terms of compliance with certain measures aimed at solving the environmental problems of automobile transportation and road safety. The article notes that the vast majority of the measures considered support policy objectives and thus effectively promote sustainable transportation. The author analyzes the problem of the impact of current environmental measures on road safety and the impact of current road safety measures on the environment.
The purpose of the article is a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the mechanisms of interaction of environmental and safety measures for sustainable road transport and improving their formation and operation in the process of training of future professionals in the field of transport.
The research methodology consists of the use of general scientific methods, namely: analytical, inductive, deductive and comparative.
The scientific novelty is that the author has identified, theoretically substantiated and improved comprehensive knowledge about sustainable road transport, as well as identified and theoretically substantiated a number of environmental and safety measures for road transport, which are in constant interaction.
The author of the article concludes that so far there has been no systematic and comprehensive review of the interaction of the main measures for environmental protection and safety in the field of motor transport. The main results are intended to show that the vast majority of the measures considered support policy objectives and thus effectively promote sustainable transport. The author notes that this study should provide a useful overview and reference for both future specialists and practitioners. A further direction of the problem development is research and experimental verification of the proposed environmental and safety measures for sustainable road transport. In addition, the results showed that many potential consequences were not documented, and therefore in many cases only probable consequences were noted. This result means that further research is needed to test the interaction of many measures. It is also recommended to expand this type of analysis to cover interactions other than interactions between environmental effects and safety (including other aspects related to health, mobility and equity).
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