

organization of educational process, primary school, elementary school students, reforming of general secondary education, Ukraine


The purpose of the work is to identify and characterize the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in primary school during the reform of general secondary education in Ukraine in 1954-1964 in order to obtain new historical and pedagogical knowledge and take into account previous experience in creating the New Ukrainian School.

The methodological basis of the study are source studies (provided an opportunity to identify and analyze different types of sources that cover the organization of the educational process in primary school within selected chronological limits), historiography (helped to identify problems in historical and pedagogical science), and epistemological principles of historicism. efficiency, a combination of historical and logical, systematic. To achieve the purpose of the study, a set of methods was used: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization, generalization), historical-structural, historical-genetic, comparative-comparative.

The scientific novelty is that the study identifies and systematically highlights the specifics of the educational process in primary school within the selected chronological boundaries, namely: the structure and duration of the school year, the occupancy of primary school, the organization of the school day, the organization of teaching subjects.

Conclusions. During the period of reforming general secondary education in Ukraine in 1954–1964, the search for the optimal organization of the educational process in primary school was carried out at the state and scientific levels. It is positive that changes in the structure and duration of the school year, the organization of the school day of junior students were carried out taking into account their age characteristics. We commend the actualization of the issue of optimal organization of teaching in IV grades (introduction of cyclic, subject and class-subject teaching systems); transfer of teaching in elementary school singing, drawing and physical education to subject teachers. At the same time, the education of primary school students in several shifts, high class size, overload of primary school teachers are among the shortcomings.

Author Biography

T. Havrylenko, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Ed. D.), Associate Professor,
Professor at the Department of Social Work
and Educational and Pedagogical Sciences,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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