

motor activity, motor culture, rural community


The problem of everyday physical activity, as the main factor in the motor culture formation and the homeostasis preservation of the human population in countries with an actively developing information society, is becoming more and more urgent. In recent years, it has been expanding and gradually affecting communities in rural areas. Over the past twenty years, this has already led to a several times decrease in the level of active locomotor motor activity of rural residents, which negatively affects the physical fitness and functional state of the villagers.

The goal is to actualize the problem of the motor culture formation of rural residents in order to preserve their health based on the analysis of the study results of the individual motor sphere in the rural society of the Republic of Belarus over a twenty-year period. The research methodology was based on common methods: analysis of scientific literature, sociological survey, pedagogical testing.

Scientific novelty. The obtained results indicate that during the study period there was a decrease in motor activity of the rural community due to an increase in its passive types in sitting and lying positions. From the nature point of view, the «sitting posture», with its long-term operation during work, household, leisure and other activities (and its total duration during the day for more than one third of the rural community exceeds eight hours), is irrational.

Conclusion. This circumstance indicates the need to find ways to solve the problem that has arisen in order to preserve the health of most rural community representatives. The research results presented in the article can form the basis for the certain pedagogical methods development that regulate human motor algorithms performed during physical culture breaks during everyday work, household, leisure and other activities.

Author Biography

P. Snezhitskiy, Educational Institution «Grodno State Agrarian University»

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Educational Institution «Grodno State Agrarian University»
(Grodno, Republic of Belarus)


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