Training and Methodology Complex, Electronic Learning Guide Complex, broad-scale distance instruction, self-study tool of distance instructionAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyze the structure of a Training and Methodology Complex conventionally made for a teacher with reference to the tasks that emerged in the conditions of a broad-scale distance instruction; to substantiate the relevance of its modification as viewed by the student; suggest the ways of its transformation into the Learning Guide Complex as the main selfstudy tool of distance instruction for Master Course students, and work out practical recommendations as for elaborating its electronic format, which may vary depending upon real-life situations when some students may have limited access to the Internet, newest ICT, and mobile technologies, as well as the necessity of its sustainable up-dating.
Methodology is based on such theoretical methods of research as: analysis, synthesis, comparison, drawing conclusions and modeling; as well as on observation and pilot teaching as empirical methods of research.
Scientific novelty. This is the first attempt to raise the problem of modification and transformation of the Training and Methodology Complex into a Learning Guide Complex as the main tool of student’s self-study in the conditions of a broad-scale distance instruction. Offered are also the ways of creating its flexible electronic format which can readily respond to real-life needs and be easily up-dated.
Conclusion. Theoretical study of the problem of using Training and Methodology Complex in the conditions of a broad-scale transition to distance instruction brought us to the conclusion that it turned into the main tool of student’s self-study, and therefore it should be modified. Transition of the accent from teacher-centered to student-centered instruction requires reconsidering its structure and content so that they should approach as close to the student’s perception as possible and provide their effective interaction in a suitable format. The most relevant today is the electronic format of a Learning Guide Complex. It can easily be adjusted to real-life situations, access to the Internet, ICT and mobile technologies that all the participants have at their disposal.
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