primary school, pedagogical interaction, attractor, order parameters, soft managementAbstract
Substantiated in the article is the essence of а pedagogical interaction, the importance of primary school attractors as a pedagogical system in this interaction; revealed is the role of order parameters in the educational process at the first stage of general secondary education. As a result of the analysis of scientific research, the essence of soft management, value of order parameters in it is found out.
The purpose of this article is revealing the role of the order parameters in pedagogical interaction, which is implemented in primary school; finding out the specifics of their formation and the mechanism of functioning; justification of the essence of soft management.
Methodology. The methodological bases of the article are: the basic provisions of the theory of cognition – scientific, dialectical, coherent; basic provisions of psychological and pedagogical science on democratization, humanization, individualization of the educational process; key ideas of pedagogical synergetics as a scientific field of knowledge based on the laws and patterns of selforganization of educational systems.
The scientific novelty is that for the first time substantiated are: the essence and significance of attractors, order parameters, soft management in pedagogical interaction in the context of primary school.
Conclusions. Thus, primary school is a complex pedagogical system, the defining elements of which are the teacher and students. Its functioning is based on coherent interaction of all the elements, which is carried out in the direction of the specified attractor. The effectiveness of pedagogical interaction in primary school depends primarily on its guiding element – the teacher. It is the teacher who manages the pedagogical process in primary school, sets the order parameters or forms them together with students. In pedagogical interaction, soft management is the most effective, which makes it possible to take into account the development trends of both students and the entire pedagogical system, promotes creativity, initiative, innovation in education and more.
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