system of exercises, presentational communication competence, presentation, prospective foreign language teacherAbstract
Nowadays foreign language presentation activities have become an essential part of academic and professional settings. Foreign language teachers are supposed to be able to identify, analyze and synthesize, critically evaluate information from different sources and orally present it in public using visual aids. Thus, there is the necessity to develop students’ presentational oral communication competence. When organizing the process of this competence development we should compile an efficient system of exercises which will allow students master its components gradually, stage-by-stage, and comprehensively.
Article’s purpose. The importance of the problem under consideration and the lack of corresponding methodological research make it vital to theoretically substantiate and elaborate the system of exercises for developing students’ presentational communication competence.
Methodology is based on traditional research methods such as analysis, generalization, modeling of developing the presentational communication competence in the context of communicative, student-centered and competence approaches to teaching foreign languages.
Scientific novelty. This is the first attempt to design the system of exercises based on the patterns and stages of developing the students’ presentational oral communication competence.
Conclusions. The suggested system consists of three sub-systems with their own objectives as each of them is aimed at developing a specific component of the target competence. The subsystems include the groups of exercises for developing students’ presentation knowledge, skills and abilities. The described system of exercises can be used in teaching both core and optional subjects, such as Practical English Course and Academic Public Speaking Course.
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