concept, perceptual vocabulary, figurative meaning, metaphor, synesthesiaAbstract
Article’s purpose is to identify and study the semantics of perception of the figurative component of the concept "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" in the regional linguistic picture of the world.
Methodology. The methodological basis of this study was the anthropocentric principle in linguistics, in particular the theory of the linguistic picture of the world, the linguistic personality (Y. S. Stepanov, E. S. Kubryakova, I. A. Sternin, N. N. Boldyrev, V. I. Karasik).
Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that for the first time the semantics of not individual modes, but of perception as a whole becomes the object and subject of special research; the figurative component of the concept has been studied for the first time in the aspect of the specifics of the use of perceptual vocabulary based on the creative heritage of regional authors.
Conclusions. The study showed that the concept «Belovezhskaya Pushcha» has a field structure. The core of the concept is represented by the lexemes: impenetrable forest, reserved area, thicket. These are images of a universal subject code that encode a concept for operating in the thinking of a language carrier. The near periphery of the concept under study is made up of abstract perceptual layers «Colour», «Smell», «Hearing», revealing visual-color, volumetric, spatial, sound, taste and other ideas about the described object.
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