

conception «New Ukrainian School», monitoring and assessing competence, methodological knowledge, methodological skills, future Primary school English teacher, communication skills


In the article the definition of monitoring and assessing competence of future Primary school English teacher in New Ukrainian School has been formulated, its content and structure have been described. Particularly, to substantiate the essence of monitoring and assessing competence of future Primary school English teacher the peculiarities of control and assessment of Primary school pupils’ foreign language communicative competence in New Ukrainian School have been determined. Furthermore, motivational, cognitive, actional, reflexive components of monitoring and assessing competence have been highlighted. Besides, methodological knowledge and methodological skills necessary for a teacher to monitor and assess the level of young learners’ communicative competence have been specified.

The purpose of the article is to define the notion «monitoring and assessing competence of future Primary school English teacher in New Ukrainian School», to describe the mentioned competence content and structure, to clarify its components.

Methodology. Methodological basis of the article includes: fundamental positions of system approach to pedagogical process (V. Bespalko, N. Talysina), theory of individual and activity approaches (B. Ananjev, O. Leontjev), competence and reflexive approaches, theoretical positions of the conception «New Ukrainian School».

Scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the definition of monitoring and assessing competence of future Primary school English teacher in New Ukrainian School has been formulated, content and structure of this competence have been determined, its components have been specified.

Conclusion. In conducted research the conclusion that due to primary education modernising formation of monitoring and assessing competence of future Primary school English teacher in New Ukrainian School acquires a special significance and becomes an important component of professional training has been made. On the basis of scientific works, regulatory documents analysis and taking into account personal positive pedagogical experience, the definition of monitoring and assessing competence of future Primary school English teacher in New Ukrainian School has been formulated. Motivational, cognitive, actional, reflexive components of monitoring and assessing competence have been highlighted. Described have been its components, such as: methodological knowledge and methodological skills, which should be formed and developed in the context of learning the professional training subject «Modern Technologies of Monitoring and Assessing Competence of Future Primary School English Teacher Formation».

Author Biography

O. Kmit, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of Languages and
Methodology of their Teaching Department,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Ukraine, Chernihiv)


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