authentic video, authentic educational video courses, authentic feature film, vodcast, practical foreign language trainingAbstract
The article is dedicated to the theoretical bases of the usage of authentic video in foreign language practical training of students. The advantages of using authentic video in foreign language practical training of students are described and the characteristics of types of authentic video for the corresponding education are given.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the problem of using authentic video in practical foreign language training of the students of higher education institutions.
The methodology of the article are psychological, pedagogical and methodological theories and provisions that reveal the conceptual approaches to the researched issues.
The scientific novelty of this research. Determined are the benefits of using authentic video in foreign language practical training of the students of higher education institutions and provided is the description of types of authentic video for the relevant education.
Conclusions. The use of authentic video in the educational process opens great opportunities for foreign language practical training of students of non-language specialties and the development of their creative potential. Numerous modern scientific studies have confirmed the increase in the speed of visual perception, young people are becoming more visually oriented, and accordingly, an effective means of presenting educational material is its visualization. One of the ways to optimize the educational process of foreign language practical training of students is to use visual aids, authentic video, in particular; development of new strategies for creating sets of exercises on the basis of authentic video.
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