teacher of basics of health, NUS, competencies, teaching methodsAbstract
The New Ukrainian School (NUS) is a key reform of the Ministry of Education and Science.
The main goal is to create a school that will be pleasant to study and that will give students not only knowledge of how it is happening now, but also the ability to apply them in everyday life. NUS is a school that is a pleasure for students to go to. Here they listen to their opinion, teach to think critically, not be afraid to express their own opinion and be responsible citizens. At the same time, parents also like to attend this school, because there is cooperation and mutual understanding.
A key change for students concerns approaches to learning and educational content. After all, the goal of NUS is to educate an innovator and a citizen who knows how to make responsible decisions and respects human rights.
The purpose of the study: to highlight the methodological aspects of preparing future teachers of the basics of health to work with children in the context of the requirements of the New Ukrainian School.
Research methods: research, descriptive, method of theoretical analysis.
The scientific novelty is the analysis and systematization of modern pedagogical technologies of training future teachers of the basics of health to work with children in the context of the requirements in the context of the requirements of NUS.
Conclusions: This paper highlights the key requirements of the New Ukrainian School, which emphasize the need to change approaches to teaching subjects, to move from theoretical study of the material to the practical use of acquired knowledge and skills. Aspects of methodical preparation of future teachers of basics of health to work with children in the context of NUS requirements are covered. Thus, the process of forming professional skills is strictly individual. Teaching methods become the main component of professional training of subject teachers, and the effectiveness of mastering the methods of teaching the basics of health depends on the pedagogical technologies used in the organization of the educational process.
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