

culturally marked phenomenon, short story, linguistic and cultural characteristics, interpretation


The presence of culturally marked phenomena at the level of individual lexical units and the content of the text as a whole makes it especially relevant for proper use of works of literature in professional foreign language training.

The purpose of the research is to determine the literary text as a culturally marked phenomenon and formulate the criteria for including fiction in the process of professional foreign language training.

The research methodology consists of a problem-comparative analysis of scientific theories of linguists, culturologists and methodologists, systematization and classification of tasks used in teaching the linguistic and cultural characteristics of literary works.

The substantiation of a literary text as a multi-level system in which linguistic units are organically complemented by implicit phenomena that have the greatest national and cultural markings has determined the scientific novelty of the work.

Conclusion. Since there is a synergy of culturally marked units of different levels in literary works it is important to take into account their linguistic and cultural orientation (history, authorship, source), semantic (factual, conceptual, subtext) versatility, axiological, spiritual and moral potential, availability of content for recipients and size when we select fiction for learning. Thus, in the process of professional foreign language training the analysis of the linguistic properties of units must be obligatory supplemented with a full interpretation of the cultural information contained in them. To do this the system of specially designed tasks should be provided for learners.

Author Biographies

I. Kryshtop, Baranovichi State University

Ph.D. in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Head of the Department of Professional Foreign Language Training,
Baranovichi State University
(Baranovichi, Belarus)

M. Maslova, Baranovichi State University

Senior Lecturer
Department of Professional Foreign Language Training,
Baranovichi State University
(Baranovichi, Belarus)


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