distance learning, second foreign language, oreign language communicative competence, computer testing, future tourism managersAbstract
The article's purpose. The article focuses on the problem of independent mastering German business writing and oral communication by future tourism managers with the use of distance technologies.
The Methodology. Independent mastering German business writing and oral communication by future tourism managers with the use of computer tests required profound analysis of scientific literature and substantiation of theoretical and practical relevance of the use of distance computer testing technologies on the Moodle platform.
The Scientific Novelty. The aim and content of testing strategy have been determined and specified; the advantages of distance testing have been determined; psychological, didactic and methodological backgrounds of independent mastering German business writing and oral communication by future tourism experts with the use of distance computer testing technologies have been described.
Conclusion. On the basis of theoretical analysis of the psychological-pedagogical scientific literature, psychological and didactic-methodological prerequisites for independent mastering of German-speaking business written and oral communication with the use of remote technologies are determined. Within the research the testing strategy has been selected. The testing process model for independent mastering German business writing and oral communication with the use of electronic tests have been presented. The effectiveness of the suggested technology has been proved of, methodological recommendations as for independent mastering German business writing and oral communication with the use of distance technologies have been developed.
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