academic integrity, online tools, higher education, scientific activity, secondary educationAbstract
Formation of students’ academic integrity is one of the cross-cutting tasks of modern higher education. There are many challenges in this field, in particular, because of the lack of common culture of academic integrity at all educational levels.
The purpose of the research is to study suitable ways of forming academic integrity of students in specialty ‘Secondary Education’ by means of online tools, which currently seem to be the most affordable technology in distance learning. Taking into account the motivational factors of general and professional character in the formation of academic integrity, which will allow talking about the continuity of this process and the ability to ultimately have professional and literate teaching personnel, is considered to be important.
The methodological basis is the human-centred principle of research and sociocommunicative approach, which allow to reveal the phenomenon through the prism of human needs and social necessity, and involves the use of methods of systematic and comparative analysis of academic integrity, as well as modelling methods, case method and analogy method while studying academic integrity process of students in specialty ‘Secondary Education’.
The scientific novelty of this study is primarily related to the attempt of highlighting the future teachers’ academic integrity skills, as well as to the suggested exercises based on online tools with the emphasis on the teacher's personality features, which should motivate their students by their activities and personal experience.
Conclusions. The study showed that the undergraduates in specialty ‘Secondary Education’ can become the link that consolidate the basic principles of academic integrity at all the stages of educational process, because by making a creative modern educational process in higher education institutions, we can motivate students to be academically virtuous during life in all the spheres, especially in the field of their future profession.
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