

university, labor market, employers, professional training, culture-oriented assignments


Objective. Examined in the article is the importance and methods of implementing professsionally oriented education in general, with greater detail on the example of teaching a foreign language to students for whom a foreign language is not the main specialty. One of the author's goals is to show the options for interaction between the university and employers to increase the effectiveness of training young specialists both in the main specialty and in a foreign language.

Methodology. Given are specific examples of various professionally oriented events that can be organized jointly with potential employers, with their direct participation in the educational process. Such forms of work as testing, contests of educational projects, English-language seminars, questionnaires of employers, foreign language classes, which are necessary for teaching students to implement business intercultural communication in future professional activities, are considered in more detail.

Scientific novelty. The author considered the methods of organizing professionally oriented events in a foreign language, which are effective tools for foreign language professional training of students. The peculiarity of these events is joint preparation and implementation of these forms of work by teachers and potential employers. Direct participation of potential employers in professional training of students has a powerful incentive for students that contributes to more effective professional and foreign language training.

Conclusions. For employers at the labor market, it is important that future specialists should not only know the basics of their future profession, but also possess a number of new skills that complement the professional competence of future specialists. The development of students' skills and abilities that are in demand in the labor market requires a non-standard, creative approach to the organization of training sessions and active implementation of a variety of educational activities. These events actualize students’ creative abilities, form the skills to independent search for unique solutions, develop creative thinking, develop foreign language training, which are integral components of an up-to-date specialist’s professional competence. The activation of vocationally-oriented training in the university ensures a close relationship and consistency of the educational process with the requirements of the labor market and is aimed at training highly qualified young professionals.

Author Biography

T. Pochinok, Francisk Scorina Gomel State University

ResearcherID ABA-6156-2020
Scopus-Author ID 57216620507
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Head of the English Language Department,
Francisk Scorina Gomel State University
(Gomel, Belarus)


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