

speech competence, receptive type of speech activity, listening, types of listening, exercises for listening


The article is aimed at the analysis of psycholinguistic features of the processes of oral perception of speech, characteristic of listening comprehension as a receptive type of speech activity. The effectiveness of the formation students’ vocabulary speech competence depends on the purposeful search for ways to improve the types of speech activity. It is emphasized that the level of students-philologists’ speech competence largely depends on the level of competence in all the types of speech activity and, in particular, on the possession of such a form as listening comprehension (this is a more complex way to grasp information, because during listening the listener is unable to return and concentrate on incomprehensible linguistic or factual phenomena). It was found that without listening comprehension, as well as without other types, it is impossible to form speech competence, because the material basis of this type of speech activity is the sound system of speech. And also during listening comprehension the student receives information, perceives and understands other people’s thoughts. This type of speech activity makes it possible to master the rhythm and correctness of pronunciation, to recognize speech units, and the unit of speech activity is speech action, which forms speech skills in the process of performing a particular type of speech activity – speaking skills. Attention is drawn to the fact that the knowledge, skills and abilities of students of the Humanities and Pedagogical College need significant improvement of speech competence.

The purpose of the investigation is to point out the need to form students-philologists’ speech competence, taking into account the skills and abilities of one of the basic types of receptive speech activity.

The methodology of the article consists of a system of general scientific and general complementary research methods. The methods of system analysis, synthesis, activity, observation method, exercise method, etc. are used.

Scientific novelty. The meaning of the concepts «listening», «auditory skills» and «speaking skills» has been clarified; it is determined that the listening process can be effective only if there is a clear communicative instruction to the listening, and adequate perception of the instruction by the student. It was found that listening provides the perception and understanding of oral speech, as well as is one of the means of developing communicative and speech competence.

Conclusions. Realization of the speech goal of teaching Ukrainian-language disciplines involves not only the knowledge of language tools necessary and sufficient for communication, but also their automated use in communication. In this respect, it is important for the methodology to distinguish between the units of language and speech, without which it is impossible to build an effective process of mastering quality speech.

Author Biography

N. Skrypnyk, Communal Institution of Higher Education «Vinnytsia Humanitarian and Pedagogical College»

Ph.D. in Philological Sciences
Head of Ukrainian Philology Department,
Communal Institution of Higher Education
«Vinnytsia Humanitarian and Pedagogical College»
(Vinnytsia, Ukraine)


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