English teacher training, education, personality, personality qualities, speech functionsAbstract
The educational system of Ukraine requires fundamental teacher training for a New Ukrainian School. Such training should provide for the development of the personality of a future teacher of English in general, and in the process of education and formation of foreign language intercultural communicative competence in particular. There is a contradiction between the needs of Ukrainian society for Foreign language teachers for the New Ukrainian School and the lack of such teachers’ proficiency (educational aspect).
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the educational potential of speech functions; to correlate speech functions with the corresponding attitude of the speaker to the interlocutor, to the situation of communication in general; and the ability to show and develop personality qualities.
Methodology: analysis and comparison of research objects. That is, the analysis of speech functions in the interaction of interlocutors and the synthesis of speech functions and emotional colouring of the situation and manifestations of personality qualities.
Scientific novelty: for the first time, the speech functions of interaction of interlocutors are correlated with the emotional colouring of the situation and the manifestations of personal qualities.
Conclusions. The educational potential of speech functions is analysed; speech functions are correlated with the corresponding attitude of the individual to the interlocutor, the situation of communication in general, and the ability to show and develop personality qualities, the prospects for further research in this direction are indicated. Research on the system of exercises and tasks for organizing interaction, taking into account the possibility of manifestations of personal qualities and emotional colouring of interaction, is promising in this direction.
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