English listening competence, self-study work, learner autonomy, reflection, future EFL teachersAbstract
The article deals with the issue of forming future teachers’ of English listening comprehension competence in the process of self-study work.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate and practically work out the methodology of forming future teachers’ of English listening comprehension competence in the process of self-study work.
Methodology is based on the traditional research methods such as analysis, comparison, drawing conclusions, and experimental teaching as the way of verification of the suggested methodology.
Scientific novelty. The aims, content and structure of the English listening comprehension competence have been studied. Psychological and didactic fundamentals of forming listening comprehension competence have been described. The significance of learners’ autonomy in future EFL teachers’ education has been stated. Material selection for teaching future EFL teachers listening comprehension has been carried out. On the basis of these criteria the choice of teaching materials for listening comprehension competence formation in the process of self-study work has been made from the podcasts directories. Podcasts were chosen as the source of teaching materials due to the fact that in the higher education setting the newest technologies play an important role in shaping the learning landscape and promoting further practice in listening comprehension outside the classroom. Three stages of forming listening competence in self-study work have been defined. Theoretical background has been used to create a subsystem of exercises for forming future teachers of English listening comprehension competence in the process of self-study work. The model of learning has been developed.
Conclusions. The effectiveness of the developed methodology has been proved by the experimental teaching based on the results of the theoretical study and experimental teaching.
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