methodology, approaches, social reintegration, veteran, hybrid warAbstract
The purpose of the article. To substantiate and define the principles of social reintegration of hybrid war veterans as components of methodological tools.
The methodology is based on the principles of complexity (dynamics of all structural components of the social reintegration process); historicism (study of the concept of social reintegration into historical retrospectives); hierarchy (distribution of responsibilities among all participants in the social reintegration process in order to develop effective areas of work with veterans); the systematic principle (consideration of social reintegration as a system that contains interconnected structural elements that affect the functioning of the whole system). Identifying the methodological principles of social reintegration is a tool through which the search for innovative knowledge of social reintegration of hybrid war veterans takes place.
Scientific novelty. A comprehensive study of the methodological principles of social reintegration of hybrid war veterans will help identify innovative approaches and areas of work with hybrid war veterans in terms of their social reintegration.
Conclusions. The methodological principles considered (complexity, historicism, hierarchy, the systematic principle, idealization, abstraction, non-absoluteness, rational approach, creative approach, empirical approach, actualization, etc.) are the basis for studying the process of social reintegration of hybrid war veterans. Based on these principles, the process of social reintegration is considered comprehensively as a system in which all components function and which determine the effectiveness of this system.
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