

socio-psychological determinants, integration, social reintegration, veteran, hybrid war


The purpose of the article. It consists in substantiating and determining the main sociopsychological determinants of the process of social reintegration of hybrid war veterans in the modern society conditions.
The methodology is based on the principles of systematicity (consideration of the process of social reintegration as a system in which there are structural elements that influence the process of social reintegration); complexity (effective functioning of the subjects of the reintegration process in order to ensure a successful process of social reintegration) and on the approaches of constructivism (social reality is determined by subjective evaluations of the individual and individual psychological features that determine the process of social reintegration); systemic approach (study of social reintegration as a complex system that has its own interconnected structural elements, the functioning of which determines the process of social reintegration); ecosystem approach.
Scientific novelty. A comprehensive study of socio-psychological determinants of social reintegration of the hybrid war veterans will contribute to the identification of directions of social work in working with veterans at different levels of its functioning.
Conclusions. Analysis of the concepts of «integration» and «social reintegration» has allowed us to theoretically substantiate the process of social reintegration and determine the main aspects of this process. Investigating the problem of social reintegration of veterans of the hybrid war, we have identified social and psychological determinants of social reintegration: individual and psychological characteristics of the veteran; community cohesion (characteristics of the community, the culture of participation in the community of all community structures that contribute to the veteran's support process); the readiness of the family to change together with the veteran after his return from the combat zone; belonging to the community of the fellows; assistance and support to the veteran at the state level based on a paternalistic approach; lack of administrative resources (administrative criterion); political popularization (political criterion); social conflicts (social criterion); psychological problems (psychological criterion). Based on the identified socio-psychological determinants of the social reintegration of veterans, we consider the process of social reintegration as a system, the components of which are interconnected and function effectively, thereby determining the effectiveness of the entire system. The identified socio-psychological determinants are the basis for the development of technologies of social work with the hybrid war veterans.


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