
  • Viktor Koryahin Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Science in Physical Education and Sports, Professor, Honored Trainer of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Physical Education, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine)
  • Halyna Hrebinka Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine)


young basketball players, physical and technical training


At the present stage of sports development, the system of sports training of basketball players should fully reflect and take into account the actions that the athlete performs during the competition. It has been proven that physical training and its organic connection with technical training are of great importance for the growth of sportsmanship of athletes in general and basketball players in particular. The scientific substantiation of this relationship will allow to effectively training high-class basketball players.
The article is devoted to the main aspects of training young basketball players in basic training groups (10-14 years old), which requires special pedagogical attention and the search for new scientific developments to solve it during out-of-school training of young basketball players, namely, in the system of children's and youth sports schools (DYUSSH), specialized children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve (SDYUSHOR), schools of higher sportsmanship (SHVSM) and specialized educational institutions of sports profile (SNZSP). It is noted that the increase in the level of physical fitness of young basketball players aged 10-14 is closely related to the effective introduction of new tools and methods of training in the educational process.
The purpose of the work. To investigate the level of physical and technical preparedness of young basketball players of the basic training group in out-of-school educational institutions, to determine the main aspects of improving and implementing the system of physical and technical training of young athletes.
Methodology. The methodology of theoretical, practical and systematic approaches is used. Scientific novelty consists in determining the level of physical and technical preparedness of young basketball players aged 10-14 and developing recommendations for approaches to improving their training system in out-of-school educational institutions.
Conclusions. Insufficient level of development of physical qualities and mastering the techniques of the game will not allow in the long run the effective development of sports skills of basketball players, will increase the duration of the formation of special skills, will reduce their efficiency during the game.


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