
  • Oksana Mykhailenko PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work and Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» (Chernihiv, Ukraine)


professional culture, professional and ethical culture of a social sphere specialist, competencies, professional and ethical competencies of a social sphere specialist


The purpose of the article was to identify the structural components and professional and ethical competencies of professional and ethical culture of a social worker, as well as to determine methodological approaches, stages of formation of professional and ethical culture of future social workers while studying in higher education.
Methodology. The process of forming the professional ethics foundations of future specialists in universities from the standpoint of methodology is considered in many aspects. Thus, in the psychological aspect it was considered by scientists: L. Vygotsky, I. Kon, G. Kostyuk, O. Leontev and others; in the humanities: V. Andrushchenko, I. Zyazyun, V. Kremen, V. Ognevyuk, etc.; in the axiological: L. Arkhangelsky, G. Vasyanovich, I. Sinitsa, L. Khoruzha, etc.
Modern pedagogical science connects the development of the system of professional education of social workers with the culturological paradigm aimed at the formation and development of «man of culture», based on the provisions of A. Disterweg on the cultural relevance of education; I. Herbart – on the cultural individuality of the individual, that is, culture is seen as a natural environment for education and development of the individual. Culture is seen as a goal and a means, as well as a result of the educational process. The cultural function of education and upbringing is manifested in the creation of cultural values, the main of which is the individual.
Scientific novelty. For a social worker working in a person-to-person system, ethical culture is an integral and necessary part of professional culture. Accordingly, one of the central problems of training future social workers in higher education is the problem of forming their professional and ethical culture, based on understanding responsibility for the results of their work, determining their role in society, awareness of their social and professional purpose, mastering a wide range general cultural and professional competencies.
Analysis of the activities of a specialist in the social sphere, scientific literature allowed to identify the following components of professional and ethical culture of a specialist in the social sphere: 1) axiological component, which reveals the professional and ethical culture of a specialist as a set of pedagogical values. Moreover, pedagogical values can be considered as a kind of life professional values; 2) technological component of professional and ethical culture is a way of socio-pedagogical activities. This component reveals the ways of implementation, socio-pedagogical activities, ways to meet the needs of communication, to obtain new information, to transfer experience. The level of professional and ethical culture characterizes the quality of activities. And the quality and effectiveness of professional activity, in turn, characterize the level of professional and ethical culture. The level of professional ethical culture and the quality of social and practical activities are two interrelated factors. 1. The creative component of professional and ethical culture acts as a manifestation of professional creativity. After all, professional and personal values, the technology of their embodiment are a factor in the formation of personality only in terms of creative activity. 2. The personal component reveals the professional and ethical culture of a specialist in the social sphere as a specific way of realizing the essential forces of man. By essential forces are meant the needs, abilities, interests, social experience of the individual, measure of human social activity.
Since most researchers interpret the professional culture of a specialist as a generalized indicator of a certain level of professional competence, which reflects the degree of mastery of key competencies, it was appropriate to identify a system of competencies that make up the professional and ethical culture of a social worker. Taking into account the qualification requirements, the specifics of the implementation of professional and ethical norms in the process of interaction with different categories of clients and subjects of social work, the system of professional and ethical competencies of a social worker is defined, including the following competencies; analytical and deontological; socio-gerontological; ethnocultural; socio-confessional; socio-status; assertive.
Conclusions. The professional and ethical culture of social workers is an integrative personal resource that can be objectively observed and measured, which is formed during training and actively developed in professional activities. We consider the prospects of further research in substantiating the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of professional and ethical culture of social workers in particular, combining all components of the process of professional and ethical culture into a single purposeful system of educating future social specialist in higher education.


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