child’s establishment of making healthy and rest, state social standards of making healthy and rest children, rest, making healthy, childrenAbstract
In the article research results are offered in relation to the features of activity of child's health camp in the conditions of pandemic COVID-19. It is investigational: level of criticism of the state of health of children and young people in the conditions of pandemic crown by a virus (SARS-CoV-2, or 2019-nCoV); necessity and possibility of providing of the proper level of making healthy and rest of children; reasons of the ineffective functioning of establishments of making healthy and rest of children in the conditions of pandemic; features of work of establishments of making healthy and rest of children. It is certain that establishments of making healthy and rest of children, after the mind of pandemic crown of virus, have the features of work after directions: location, logistical support, skilled providing technology of work. It is selected, isolation; personal and collective hygiene; professional work of geared-up workers of establishment of making healthy and rest of children, as necessary quarantines limitations of work of establishments of making healthy and rest of children.
The purpose of work consists in description of organization and maintenance of work of child’s health camp in the conditions of pandemic COVID-19.
Methodology. In the article the analysis of scientific sources and practical experience is used at philosophical, scientific levels of cognition. system, activity approach, synergistic approach, informative approach culturological approach of analysis of pedagogical researches and practical experience of organization and maintenance of work of child's health camp, is methodological basis of research in the conditions of pandemic COVID-19. But it was based on historical, terminologies, functional, systems and cognitive principles of scientific cognition.
A scientific novelty consists in the analysis of scientific sources of devoted to this issues and practical experience organization and maintenance of work of child's health camp is described in the conditions of pandemic from COVID-19. The features of the use of disease measures of making healthy and rest of children are selected in a summer health camp.
Conclusions. The conducted research helped analyze this issues, to give mind on individual approach to every child during making healthy and rest, to select certain aspects careful preparations of establishments of child's making healthy and rest of children, to mark the necessity of adaptiveness of the program of rest and making children healthy, to renew approaches to preparation of personnel of establishments of making healthy and rest of children.
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