foreign language training, periodization, professional training, flight personnelAbstract
The purpose of the work. The article provides a description of the features of foreign language training in domestic flight schools in the 50-60s of the XX century.
Methodology. The activity of legislative acts and scientific achievements that contributed to the development of historical knowledge in this field of research is considered. The article notes that professional foreign language training in the air establishments of Ukraine in the middle of the twentieth century was determined by the goals and objectives of state development in this area.
Accordingly, this process should be analyzed in view of its historical evolution. Analysis of the formation of the aviation industry, the formation of vocational aviation education in Ukraine and the preconditions for the emergence of foreign language vocational education, the regulatory framework of the USSR for the development and operation of higher aviation civil aviation universities allowed to identify certain periods of this process.
Scientific novelty. The initial stage of active development of domestic civil aviation and its training system in particular was the process of large-scale reconstruction of the country.
Unfortunately, after World War II, the Soviet Union, which had won the title of victor over Nazi Germany, refused to participate in the program of economic assistance to European states (Marshall Plan). The reconstruction plan was drawn up at a meeting of European countries in the summer of 1947. It offered the same assistance to the USSR and its companions, but was rejected by Stalin. Production and development of equipment for economic and social needs began. Such historical realities have given impetus to rethink the level of foreign language training of future specialists in various technical fields. The aim of the article is to analyze the legislative acts and research of the middle of the twentieth century, which fundamentally influenced the development of foreign language training in domestic flight schools.
Conclusions. It was determined that the 1950s and 1960s were characterized by a significant interest of the Soviet Union in rethinking the attitude to foreign language training both at school and in vocational and higher education institutions.
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