
  • T. Doroshenko Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Ed. D.), Professor at the Department of Arts Disciplines, T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»



values, value orientations, formation, preservice music teachers, artistic interaction


The purpose of the article is to update the issue of value orientation formation in preservice music teachers, analyse the essence, and cover the logical and semantical structure of the key research concepts.

Methodology. The article uses the theoretical methods: analysis of scientific literature, synthesis, systematization, and generalisation in order to determine the importance of value orientation formation in preservice music teachers, and the description of logical and semantical structure of the key research concepts.

Scientific novelty is that to update the value of axiological component of preservice music teachers’ professional training, and clarify the essence of the key research concepts.

Conclusions. The conducted theoretical analysis confirmed that the system of values and value orientations has been reflected in research of scientists, philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, musicologist, and teachers. The increasing interest in the axiological component of preservice music teachers’ professional training, the lack of systematic research in this area, the identifying of the contradiction between society’s need for specialists having high artistic values, and the underestimation of the value orientation in methodological aspects of professional music education updated the problem of value orientation formation in preservice music teachers.

The study of music teacher’s specific work and the awareness of the concept essence «values» and «value orientations» made it possible to determine the professional and pedagogical, music and performance values as the professional values of preservice music teachers and offer author’s personal view on the value orientations of the preservice music teachers as important components of a personality, characterising his or her attitude to professional and pedagogical, music and performance values and ensuring the effective professional activity.

We suppose the identification and substantiation of the model for the formation of the value orientation in preservice music teachers as a prospect for future research.

