
  • Оksana Platonovа PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work and Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» (Chernihiv, Ukraine)


preschoolers, children’s collective, socio-pedagogical adaptation of preschoolers, preschool education institutions


Article's purpose: to substantiate theoretically the peculiarities of children's adaptation to the children's team in the preschool institution.
Methodology. The methodological basis for the adaptation of preschoolers to the children's team is indicated in the works of V. Mushynsky and N. Kotsur. The difficulties that arise during the change of social relations of preschool children have become the subject of study of N. Makovetskaya. The relationship between the child and the mother, the nature of their interaction with the adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool education studied N. Avdeeva, S. Teplyuk. The idea of the dependence of preschool children’s social adaptation to the conditions of the preschool institution on the realization of their need for game activities can be traced in the works of N. Zakharova. The system of correctional and developmental tasks in order to facilitate the preschool children’s adaptation to the conditions of the preschool institution are analyzed in the works of T. Gurkovskaya, L. Strezh, E. Zherdeva and others. A. Makarenko, L. Novikova, V Sukhomlinsky and others studied the phenomenon of the collective as means of educating children and adolescents; the essence and content of relationships in the team were studied by A. Arushanov, V. Nechaev, V. Zalogin, etc.; problems of interaction between the individual and the team – A. Volokhov, I. Ivanov and others.
The scientific novelty is that the features of socio-pedagogical adaptation of children in preschool are analyzed.
Conclusions. Collective relationships create favorable conditions for the development of individual qualities of preschoolers, when the educator in the process of joint activities relies on positive traits and pedagogical correction of negative ones. The propensity for different activities makes the child an interesting object of relationships, its character changes in proportion to the development of individuality in collective relationships. Analyzing the peculiarities of the development of preschool children, we can conclude that with the skillful guidance of the educator in the group of preschool education can form a collective relationship, but to talk about the team as such is too early, it is related to the age of children preschool age and rapid social change – on the other.


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