



specifics of the conductor's work, children's orchestra conductor, creative thinking, imagination, representation


This article highlights the specifics of the work of a conductor of a children's orchestra, which is based on the conductor's previous professional training, which includes knowledge of music-theoretical and psychological-pedagogical disciplines.

The purpose of the work is to characterize and determine the specifics of the conductor's work with a children's orchestra, as well as the presence of his professional pedagogical skills in working with children and adolescents, the ability to explain musical material in an accessible way, motivating students to develop and improve themselves. The conductor also directs his work to the development of musical skills in the members of the orchestra.

The research methodology is also determined by the fact that in science and educational practice, attention is paid to the set of techniques of the conductor of the children's orchestra, namely creative thinking, artistic vision of the work, imagination, representation.

The article also analyzes the specifics of the communicative interaction between the conductor and the members of the children's orchestra. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that, among many possible ones, we considered the most important professional qualities that a conductor of a children's orchestra should possess, as well as the development of each student, taking into account age and psychological characteristics.

The specificity of the work of a conductor of a children's orchestra plays an important role in effective interaction with children and achieving high results in practical activities. Accordingly, the conductor of the children's orchestra must ensure a favorable atmosphere in the collective, organizing effective rehearsals where each child has the opportunity to develop his skills and interact with other children, as well as choose a repertoire that corresponds to the age capabilities of children, preparing them for performances in front of an audience.

Conclusions. The specifics of the work of a conductor of a children's orchestra group also involves developing the talents and skills of each member of the orchestra group, as well as instilling in them a love for music and practical work in the orchestra.

