foreign language communicative competence, social worker, public speaking, TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design), rhetoricAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the problem of forming of future social workers’ foreign language communicative competence. The author’s vision of the forming of the foreign language communicative competence of students by means of the analysis of public speaking at TED, which reveal the experience and methods of social work in foreign countries, is presented.
Article’s purpose is to analyze and reveal the compositional and lexical-semantic features of the vocabulary of English-language public speaking at TED events dedicated to the topic of social work.
Methodology. The research is based on the competence approach to the training of social workers and the communicative approach to foreign language learning. We used such methods: compositional analysis – to characterize the structural features of English-language public speaking on social work topics at TED events; component analysis – to identify the semantic features of the vocabulary of these speeches.
Scientific novelty of the article consists in the study and analysis of compositional and lexical-semantic features of public speaking on social topics at TED events, which can be used in the training of social workers, in particular in courses on the basics of public speaking, sociopedagogical therapy, social patronage, because it meaningfully touches on the latest methods and discoveries in social work.
Conclusions. The compositional structure of TED speeches related to the topic of social work is represented by three components – the introduction, the main part and the final part. The means of personalization, addressing and dialogue are used to maintain contact with listeners and maintain their interest. The lexical-semantic features of the speeches are using the professional vocabulary, the vocabulary in a figurative sense and stylistically colored lexemes. Such an analysis enables the students of the specialty 231 «Social work» to determine the lexical-semantic aspects and peculiarities of the structure of speeches, which lie in the plane of their scientific and practical interests.
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