
  • Olena Sogokon PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines and Phisical Education, V.G. Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University (Poltava, Ukraine)
  • Oleksandr Donets PhD in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines and Physical Education, V.G. Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University (Poltava, Ukraine)
  • Yevheniia Shostak PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Methodical Foundations of Teaching Sports Disciplines, V.G. Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University (Poltava, Ukraine


methodological principles, integration, natural science training, physical culture, specialist


This article defines the methodological principles of integration of natural science training of future specialists in physical culture. One of the methodological tasks of improving the system of higher pedagogical education at the faculties of physical education is the search for promising approaches, the introduction of modern technologies, the application of an integrated system of knowledge acquisition to the natural sciences component of physical education. A qualitatively new level of integrated knowledge is not limited to the amount of information obtained from the combined disciplines, but provides a higher integrated approach in the effective training of future professionals. The main task of integration in the new paradigm of higher education is to make it an effective tool for professional activity, ensuring compliance with the requirements of competitive physical education professionals.
The purpose of the studyis to determine the methodological approaches that will solve the problem of high-quality natural science training of physical culture specialists on the basis of integra-tion of scientific and professional knowledge and skills of students and will promote formation with a number of components of productive thinking and ensuring the integrity of learning.
Research methods. To achieve the purpose of the study used analysis and generalization of data of scientific and pedagogical, professional literature on physical culture. The integration of scientific and professional knowledge and skills of students is aimed at ensuring the integrity of education. We believe that such integration in the training of future professionals should be carried out on the basis of system-forming, basic for education natural sciences. In practice, the integrative approach is implemented at the level of the content of cycles of disciplines in two areas: internal integration of the content of natural science training of future specialists in physical culture, external integration of natural science training with the basics of sports.
Conclusions. Have proved that integration requires a creative, predictive approach, taking into account the peculiarities of the parameters of knowledge; identifying the specifics of structuring subject and integrated knowledge; anticipation of the use of adequate content of forms, methods, teaching aids. Thus, the integration of scientific and professional knowledge and skills of students contributes to the formation of a number of components of productive thinking, aimed at ensuring the integrity of learning.
Thus, the integration of scientific and professional knowledge and skills of students contributes formation of a number of components of productive thinking aimed at providing integrity of learning. Prospects for further scientific research will be focused on introduction of physical culture in the practical activities of higher educational institutions of Ukraine integration combination of methodological approaches for quality training physical culture.


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