modern choreography, emotional and volitional sphere, spiritual development, adolencentsAbstract
One of the effective means of ensuring the harmonious and diverse development of personality can be modern choreography, as a creative art form that has a powerful impact on the emotional and volitional sphere and spiritual development of the child and provides opportunities for self-expression and self-realization as well as relieving emotional tension and overcoming stress, which is especially important in adolescence, which is characterized by intense changes in physiological and mental development and many different contradictions and crises.
The purpose of the studyis to reveal the influence of modern choreography on the emotional and volitional sphere and spiritual development of adolescents.
The research methodologyincludes the analysis of the scientific literature on the problem of age characteristics of adolescence, systematization and generalization of theoretical and methodological principles in the field of modern choreography.
The scientific noveltyis to reveal the influence of modern choreography on the emotional and volitional sphere and spiritual development of adolescents.
The main physiological and psychological properties of adolescence as a critical age of formation and formation of personality, one of the main periods of growth and formation of the organism, during which the rapid development of all body organs and all cognitive mental processes. As an art form, modern choreography, which has no boundaries and established canons, neither in content nor in the motor component, gives the opportunity to express their own «I», to reveal their individuality, spiritual world, to convey their feelings, moods, thoughts, emotions that contribute to the formation of psycho-emotional states of the child. Selection of interesting original meaningful repertoire, modern musical accompaniment, creation of an artistic image provide an opportunity for the development of imagination, fantasy, new knowledge, education of moral values and spiritual development of adolescents.
Based on the formation of lasting interest and high level of motivation, modern dance classes have great potential for the development of such volitional qualities of adolescents as self-confidence, purposefulness, perseverance, determination, initiative, independence, courage, which has a positive impact on personal development.
Conclusions. Modern choreography, as a creative art form, has a powerful influence on the emotional and volitional sphere and spiritual development of adolescents, which contributes to the harmonious development of personality. Given the wide arsenal of techniques, tools and forms of creative activity, modern choreography provides a broadening of worldview and awareness, opens opportunities for self-expression and self-realization, and helps to overcome stress and relieve emotional tension, which is especially important in adolescence. physiological and mental development and many different contradictions and crises.
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