inclusion, education, inclusive education, inclusive educational environment, educational institutions, child with special educational needs, readiness, components of readiness, professional trainingAbstract
The article explores the definitions of «inclusion», «inclusive education», «inclusive educational environment», «child with special educational needs». Some aspects of the problem of training and readiness of future teachers of vocational training to work in an inclusive educational environment are highlighted. Attention is focused on the fact that readiness for such activities is an important component of the professional training of student youth in a higher education institution. Components of readiness are defined and analyzed taking into account components of inclusive educational process.
Purpose of work. Identification and analysis of components of the readiness of future teachers of professional training to create an inclusive educational environment.
Methodology. Analysis of literary sources on the topic of research, systematization, comparison of scientific views, provisions, organization of research (by observation), definitions and generalization of the main characteristics of concepts to identify the essence of an inclusive educational environment and identify components of the readiness of future teachers of professional training to create an inclusive educational environment.
The scientific novelty consists in creating a complex influence of pedagogical conditions, theoretical and practical part, independent and individual work on the educational component «Inclusive Education» and educational (pedagogical) practice on the preparation of the applicant for education and, as a consequence, the formation of his readiness to work in an inclusive educational environment.
Conclusions. Education today requires the introduction of new pedagogical technologies that will stimulate the emergence of interest and, as a result, cognitive activity in the student. That is why, to achieve this goal, thoroughly trained teachers are needed who will be able to work with different categories of children and will be ready to introduce new and creative into the educational process. The educational component «Inclusive education» introduced into the vocational training of future teachers is on time and contributes to the quality of training, that is, it forms the readiness of educational applicants to perform activities related to the creation of an inclusive educational environment. To improve skills regarding the practical component of readiness, it is necessary to provide an opportunity for applicants for education to practice in institutions where there is inclusive education and to increase the module on the study of inclusion during educational (pedagogical) practice in order to form this component of readiness.