English and French student teachers, independent work, language assessment competencyAbstract
The article highlights the issues of independent work of students. The term «students’ independent work» has been generalized. The aim and content of future FL teachers’ asynchronous work have been have been formulated in view of developing their language assessment competency. The forms, types and means of independent work are described. The role of the teacher has been determined.
The purpose of the article is to present a theoretically grounded framework of developing future FL teachers’ language assessment competency in the process of their independent work.
Methodology. The methods have been applied as follows: analysis of pedagogical and methodological works on organizing students’ independent work, observation of students’ independent work. The research is underpinned with system approach to teaching, the principle of succession in arranging the learning process.
The scientific novelty of the work consists in theoretical justification of the framework of developing future FL teachers’ language assessment competency in the process of their independent work.
Conclusions. There has been presented the framework of developing future FL teachers’ language assessment competency in the process of their independent work in line with pedagogical principles which will encourage students to self-develop. The prospects of further research presuppose specifying the content of independent work in mastering language assessment competency by future teachers of various foreign languages.
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