vocational pre-higher education institutions, integration, methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language, educational publications, practicumAbstract
The article analyzes the integrative model of the practicum as an educational publication, which is a component of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline, a means of learning, and a resource to carry out the educational activities.
Methodology. A set of research methods is applied: the theoretical – analysis of linguistic, psychological, pedagogical, educational and methodological literature on the research problem; synthesis and generalization, comparison; working out the experience of higher education institution teachers, defining the conceptual apparatus of research; empirical – observation and analysis of pedagogical phenomena and processes, collective and individual conversations with the aim of identifying the main contradictions and shortcomings in the content, application of the workshop in the context studying in the course of teaching the methodology of learning the Ukrainian language.
The purpose of the article is to highlight and justify the effective use of the practicum as an integration educational publication in methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language in the professional pre-higher education institutions.
The scientific novelty. It is emphasized that increasing the effectiveness of distance learning for education seekers is possible now if the student’s individual educational trajectory is formed. All this contributes to updating both the theoretical content of educational literature and the practice of its publication. The scientists’ and teachers’ important task has become the search for an integrative model of the educational subject and its implementation in various components of the educational and methodological complex.
The practicum is considered to be a mobile genre of the educational literature, an innovative multifunctional didactic phenomenon that responds to the needs of the educational process faster than others: it responds promptly to the curriculum changes, supplements and deepens the theoretical material.
The theoretical and methodological basis of the study consists of: classical and modern assets of the world and domestic linguistic didactics of pedagogy, psychology, activity theory of learning and personality development.
Conclusions. The practicum is believed to be the most convenient means of professional training education seekers, since such a publication is a component of methodical support of the educational process and can perform a multi-vector role in optimizing and increasing the effectiveness of training in vocational pre-higher education institutions.
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