
  • Svitlana Zhyla Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature, T. Н. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» (Chernihiv, Ukraine) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9266-4557




excursion, subjects of excursions, form of studying literature, classification of excursions


The purpose of the article is to characterize the general features of the excursion, the activities of the subjects of this form of studying literature: to prove that a literary excursion is a synthesis of several forms of cognitive activity, to determine the main tasks and principles performed by an excursion as a form of studying literature, to present a classification of literary excursions.
The methodology is based on the conceptual provisions of the philosophical-aesthetic concept of the synthesis of arts; cultural works, in which the relationship and interaction of arts are introduced into the global cultural context; on the general theory of arts, according to which a literary work is expressed in words, but at the same time has a supra-verbal, «metaphysical» meaning, which reveals homogeneity with the language of other arts (different visual arts create a system that is characterized by a common vector of movement, common regularities and intentions); concepts of teachers from the theory of the content of education, organization of subjects’ of study cognitive activity.
Scientific novelty. The main principles and types of excursions for studying literature are systematized.
Conclusions. An excursion is an active form of studying literature in higher education institutions, filled with related types of art (painting, graphics, sculpture, music, theatre, cinema), which affect various spheres of perception and create additional opportunities for the artistic development of the individual. The involvement of students in research-exploratory artistic work in museums contributes to developing their creativity, initiative, cognitive activity, and convergent thinking.
The excursion is multifunctional. With the help of polyphonic approaches, the artistic whole becomes complex and multi-meaningful. Since the excursion is a synthetic process of activity, it combines the rational and the sensual, the universal and the national; with the help of different artistic languages, antitheses work: text – subtext, consciousness – subconscious, objective – subjective, which expands the horizons of future teachers' worldview of Ukrainian literature, concentrates the inner spiritual-emotional content and values of the individual, value priorities are formed, the richness and diversity of possible interpretations of literary texts are ensured, interesting, non-traditional interpretations of artistic works arise. The teachers of literature, together with the tour guide and students, try to combine, connect, and synthesize the valuable – spiritual meanings of various arts for a better understanding of the texts and understanding of the biography of the artists.
Depending on the role of the excursion in the literary and educational space of the higher education institution and the tasks set before them, they are divided into different types.
Different types of excursions perform different functions, but all of them are important factors in increasing the practical professional training of higher school students; as the teaching technology is transformed from verbal to poly-artistic (verbal and non-verbal), the scope of artistic knowledge is expanded, the meanings of artistic works, author's ideas are better understood, polished literary skills and skills of future teachers of literature.


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