sentence words, uncounted sentences, exclamatory sentences, relative wordsAbstract
The purpose of the article is to investigate the functioning of exclamatory items in the modern Ukrainian literary based on the material of the five-volume edition of Yurii Mushketyk's works, to carry out a grammatical and syntactic analysis of interjectional words; to offer methodical recommendations for their study in Ukrainian language lessons.
Methodology. Realization of the set goal to solve the following tasks: to find out the groups of uncounted sentences according to the method of expression, to explore the semantic-constructive groups of uncounted sentences that are found in the stories and novels of the writer. The source of the actual material was the works of Yurii Mushketyk (Mushketyk Y.M. Works in 5 parts: Dnipro, 1988). The historical novels «The Death of Socrates», «The Trial of Seneca», «The Yellow Flower of the Dandelion» and the novels «Haidamaky», «Cruel Mercy», «Vikhola», «Return to Your Home», «Position», «White Shadow» «, «Return to your home.» have been worked out and researched. The realization of the set goal involves solving the following tasks: 1. Analysis of the texts of artistic works included in the five-volume collection of Y. Mushketyk. 2. A scientific study conducted with the aim of identifying semantic-constructive groups of uncounted sentences.
In Ukrainian studies, there is a thorough monograph in which exclamation is comprehensively studied (Matsko L.I. Interjectives in the Ukrainian language. K.: KDPI, 1981). Exclamation as a part of speech is provided for study by the school program (Grade 7).
The phenomenon of internalization is not very common in works of art, but it exists and deserves attention, because with the help of this phenomenon, you can study the style of the corresponding era, the peculiarities of the writer's own style, the nature of the characters depicted in the work of art.
Yurii Mushketyk is a rather interesting colorful writer. He is our compatriot, because he was born in the village of Vertiivka, Nizhyn district, Chernihiv region. The artist's work is dominated by moral and ethical issues. The writer tries to understand the essence of a person, conducts his research deeply and comprehensively («Drop of Blood», «Position», «Return to your home»). Violates the historical and patriotic theme («Yasa»). That is why we decided to turn to the work of this writer.
The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the phenomenon of internalization has not been sufficiently studied by Ukrainian linguists, while none of them studied the functioning of exclamatory sentences in the work of Yurii Mushketyk.
Conclusions. It was analyzed in detail that most often in the artist's novels and short stories, uncounted sentences are used, formed as a result of the interjection of verbs (42%) and nouns (30%), less often – phraseological phrases (20%) and adverbs (8%). It can be argued that among the exclamatory sentences in the works of Yurii Mushketyk, the most common are syntactic structures consisting of one word that has undergone de-dementalization (interviewed nouns, verbs, adverbs).
The factual material collected by us can be used in the practice of teaching the modern Ukrainian language at school, as well as in extracurricular activities (electives, in preparation for the Olympiad and language competitions).
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