

self-regulation, professional self-regulation, future lawyers, legal reflection, institutions of higher education, professional reflection of the lawyer, aspects of reflection


The article defines the professional self-regulation of future lawyers. The differences between the concepts of «legal reflection» of the lawyer and «professional reflection» of the lawyer are analyzed. Modern aspects of legal reflection are characterized: intellectual, personal.
Self-regulation as well as reflection always remain important tools for human development in all spheres of life, contributing to the achievement of high results in the professional activity of future lawyers at the stage of training in higher education institutions.
The purpose of the article is to characterize professional self-regulation in the context of forming a legal reflection of future lawyers in higher education institutions.
The methodology is based on the current provisions of pedagogical science, psychology and reflects the interrelation of methodological approaches to the study of problems of «professional self-regulation» and «legal reflection» in the process of professional training of future lawyers in the specialty «Law».
Scientific novelty. The professional self-regulation of future lawyers has been determined.
The differences between the concepts of «legal reflection of the lawyer» and «professional reflection of the lawyer» are analyzed. Modern aspects of legal reflection are characterized: intellectual, personal.
Conclusions. 1. The professional self-regulation of future lawyers is defined as an integrative personal professional characteristic of future professionals, which provides for their awareness of their actions, feelings, motives, their position and appropriate modification of their own activity according to the requirements of the situation. 2. The concepts of «legal reflection of the lawyer» and «professional reflection of the lawyer» have both common characteristics and peculiarities. 3. Professional self-regulation of future lawyers in the context of the formation of legal reflection of future professionals is a personal professional characteristic, which involves their awareness of their actions, feelings, motives, their position and appropriate modification of their own activities according to the requirements of the situation and the presence of psychic properties that express their personality. attitude to law in general.

Author Biography

D. Kuzmenko, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Postgraduate of the Department of Social Work
and Educational and Pedagogical Sciences,
T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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