Family, socialization, children with special educational needsAbstract
The purpose of the work is to reveal the important role of the modern family in socializing a child with special educational needs.
Methodology. An important indicator of the development of society is a humane, caring and compassionate attitude towards children with disabilities who undoubtedly deserve to live a full life.
Emphasis is placed on the importance of this issue to society, on the theoretical and practical foundations of family socialization, and the factors under the influence of which the socialization of the child in the family is carried on.
The scientific novelty of the obtained research results is determined by the formulation and comprehensive development of the topic, which is still not comprehensively and objectively covered in pedagogical and psychological science. The number of children with disabilities is steadily increasing. They require timely diagnosis and correctional education. The micro -environment of the family and family upbringing influence the child, his personality, his socialization and adaptation in society. The success of diagnostic, educational, corrective -developmental and health-improving process significantly depends on the level of general psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, their life position, their attitude to the child, the degree of parental involvement in the corrective process. That is why in the article the issue of the impact of a family on children with disabilities in terms of their socialization is one of the most relevant.
Conclusions. Parents’ involvement in correctional and educational work will promote education and development of children, prevent discrimination on the basis of one or another individual characteristic of the child or his family, will allow their socialization and adaptation to life in society. The success of this process depends to a great extent on the understanding of the ultimate goal, the joint efforts of parents, pedagogical staff, scientists, and all indifferent citizens.
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