emotions, emotional sphere, development of emotional sphere, preschoolers with speech impairment, emotional well-beingAbstract
The purpose of research is determine the specific features of the emotional sphere of preschoolers with language impairment, the effectiveness of the developmental-correctional program and conditions for the of the child with speech impairment emotional well-being.
Methodological and theoretical basis of the research are: understanding the child as the highest value and purpose of social development (B. Ananiev, L. Bozhovich, L. Vygotsky, D. Elkonin, O. Zaporozhets, V. Mukhina); concept of development, education and upbringing of the child (L. Vygotsky, G. Kostyuk, S. Maksimenko); general psychological provisions on the nature of mental states (K. Izard, I. Ylyin, etc.).
Theoretical and methodological bases for the development of correctional complex to support the emotional well-being and correction of the child with speech impairment emotional sphere are principles of activity, integrity, development.
Scientific novelty of the research is: deepening of existing ideas about the emotional sphere of preschool children with speech impairment in comparison with the norm; outlines the main types of emotional distress in preschoolers with language impairment; the development and correction complex as a means of the emotional well-being and the emotional sphere correction of the child with speech impairment support; obtaining reliable empirical data on the differences in the level of the emotional sphere of children with impaired language formation development compared with ordinary preschoolers using the U-criteria of Whitney test; experimental confirmation of the effectiveness of the development and correction complex; determining the task of the psychologist (or educator), speech therapist to ensure emotional well-being in the child with speech impairment.
Conducted theoretical analysis and empirical learning of the problem correction of the emotional sphere of preschool children with impaired language and support their emotional wellbeing allowed to formulate the following general conclusions: there is not enough in the modern psychological and pedagogical literature, there are almost no effective developments for the use of developmental correction programs for correction programs languages; determined that emotional well-being implies a stable dominance of positive states (joy, happiness, etc.); significant improvement of indicators of positive emotions in preschool children with speech impairment under the influence of their participation in joint activities as a result of the implementation of developmental-correction program, which is confirmed by the statistical analysis of data using T-criteria of Wilcoxon test.
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