

pupils with intellectual disorders, workbook, geography, means of teaching, visual-verbal manual


The article deals with a problem of providing contemporary means of teaching for special institutions of general secondary education. Having analyzed general and special pedagogical literature we argue topicality of the issue related to providing visual-verbal aids for pupils with intellectual disorders. Moreover practical analysis of a geography workbook for pupils with special needs has been carried out. Consequently, difficulties in the workbook usage by pupils with typical development have been singled out. It has been proved that certain requirements are to be fulfilled by a workbook for students with intellectual disorders. The aim of the article is to specify the content peculiarities of a printed geography workbook for 9th graders with intellectual disorders. Methodology: the analysis of literary sources, constative experiment, comparative analysis. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in the fact that for the first time requirements to a geography workbook for high school pupils with intellectual disorders have been specified. Taking into consideration the results of the research we can conclude that to increase learning motivation in pupils with intellectual disorders a teacher has to use different visual-verbal manuals. One of them is a printed workbook which has to fulfill certain requirements. The content material of a workbook has to be based on the educational curriculum. The tasks in the workbook have to consider cognitive abilities of pupils. The workbook tasks have to be differentiated. The obligatory component of teaching geography to pupils with intellectual disorders is practical tasks. The latter have to be included into the workbook. The bright-colored manual will attract pupils’ attention. Workbook activities are aimed to develop universal human qualities such as a feeling of responsibility, neatness, industry etc. The discussed workbook is a means of applying competence-oriented approach to pupils with intellectual disorders. The paper does not pretend to give a full insight into the problem of providing means of teaching geography for pupils with intellectual disorders. The further research perspectives are introduction of printed geography workbooks and practical activity books into the educational process for the ninth and eighth form pupils with intellectual disorders respectively.

Author Biography

I. Matviichuk, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University

Postgraduate of the Correctional Pedagogy and
Inclusive Education Department,
Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University
(Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine)


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