health-saving educational environment, inclusive education, teacher training, inclusive competence, children with special educational needsAbstract
The purpose of the article is to reveal the main modern approaches to creating a health-saving educational environment in educational institutions for children with special educational needs. The methodological basis of the research is systematic and personally oriented approaches, analysis of psychological pedagogical literature and pedagogical experience on the implementation of inclusive education in educational institutions. Scientific novelty is to establish the main approaches to the formation of a keep-healthy educational environment based on the analysis of the main achievements of an inclusive educational environment; specifying three interrelated problems that necessitate changing the content of vocational training and retraining, as well as forming inclusive competence in working with middle school age teachers of all specialties; was clarifieda vector of changes in the training of professionals in the field of inclusive education, which in the context of inclusive education is seen as a necessary condition for the establishment of a stable professional position based on the recognition and respect for the human dignity of children. Conclusions: The introduction of inclusive education is a complex, ambiguous, multidimensional problem that combines a number of relatively independent scientific and applied fields and requires consideration and development of legal, psychological, pedagogical, programmatic, social and psychological foundations. We see the prospects of further search for this problem in the development of curricula, forms, teaching methods in accordance with the needs of inclusive education. We see the prospect of further research into the problem in developing curricula, forms, teaching methods in accordance with the needs of inclusive education. In the implementation of inclusive education, particular attention should be paid to the following aspects: preparing Ukrainian society for the tolerance of children with disabilities; interaction with such children and their immediate surroundings with a view to forming appropriate identification; defining the boundaries of the legislative space for the implementation of the educational process within an inclusive society; increasing the professional level of specialists involved in inclusive educational activities; formation of a positive image of inclusive education.
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