

correctional pedagogue, personality-competence aspect, professional adaptation, professional awareness


Purpose of the paper. The purpose of this work is to substantiate theoretically the adaptation to the professional activity of the correctional pedagogue as a direction of the personal-competence program of the development of professional awareness.
Methodology. Determining the structure and mechanisms of implementation of measures of professional adaptation is conditioned by the results of the ascertaining study of the peculiarities of development of professional awareness of correctional pedagogues, revealing in them the decrease of personal and competence indicators at the adaptation stage of professional activity. The author presents and substantiates the tasks, a number of techniques and methods, as well as the structure of adaptation to the professional activity of correctional pedagogues. The essence of the process of professional adaptation is considered as the transition from the objective position of the correctional pedagogue to the subjective one, resulting in qualitative changes in all the blocks of his professional awareness. The following structural components of the mechanism of professional adaptation are determined: the level of theoretical and practical training of future specialists; formation of personal and competence aspects of professional activity; ability to set and solve professional tasks; development of blocks of professional awareness of the correctional pedagogue. The directions of development and interdependence of the determined structural components are substantiated.
Scientific novelty. For the first time, the expediency of developing and implementing the system of measures for professional adaptation of the correctional pedagogue as one of the directions of developing his/her professional awareness is substantiated. The conditions for the optimization of the process of professional adaptation are determined.
Conclusions. The author of the article has found out that it is advisable to solve all the issues related to professional self-determination, awareness of the interrelation of competence and personal growth, opportunities of specialty in providing professional consciousness development in all the structural areas prior to the beginning of professional activity of the correctional pedagogue. The special importance of cognitive and motivational aspects of professional development at the stage of professional adaptation is emphasized, their interrelation is determined in the process of optimization of the practical activity of the correctional pedagogue.

Author Biography

M. Omelchenko, Donbas State Pedagogical University

Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Special Pedagogy and Inclusion,
Donbas State Pedagogical University
(Slovjans’k, Ukraine)


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