inclusive education, social integration, scientific tools, children with special educational needs, pre-schoolsAbstract
The article covers the concept of «socialization» as the main factor in the formation of a person's personality and his relations in social life. The aim of the article is to study the factors that influence the social integration of preschool children with special educational needs in inclusive groups of preschool institutions. Pre-school education is optional in Ukraine. However, it is worth noting that social integration of toddlers who did not attend preschool can be much more difficult than for children who have had experience in kindergarten or schooling. In this regard, foreign and Ukrainian scholars are focusing on the creation of a proper environment for children with special needs in an inclusive institution, and emphasize the need to rely on the microsocium closest to the child, which is an important factor in assimilating the established norms in the wider community. The methodology of the article is based on fundamental research of Ukrainian and foreign scientists F. Giddings, G. Tard, A. Kolupaeva, O. Taranchenko. A pre-school institution, which plays a significant role in the development of the social and emotional sphere of children with OOP, should be an environment where toddlers are actively involved in educational activities, but there is now a somewhat formal approach to the process of social integration of children with special needs, and a greater focus on the need to master educational standards. The scientific novelty of the article is to determine the factors that influence the social integration of children with special educational needs in inclusive groups of pre-school institutions of education, draw conclusions and list certain factors that affect the social integration of children with special educational needs in inclusive pre-school groups.
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