

rehabilitation, social rehabilitation, visually impaired children, habilitation


The goal of the article is to reveal the features of social rehabilitation of young children and adolescents with visual impairments in the context of education in general secondary schools and in the family.
The article describes the concept of social rehabilitation of children with special needs, namely children with visual impairments. The author focuses on the areas of rehabilitation of children with visual impairments: 1) self-care skills; 2) motor activity; 3) game activity; 4) social activity. It is also emphasized on the early social rehabilitation of children with special needs. The purpose of early social rehabilitation work is to: ensure the social, emotional, intellectual and physical development of a disabled child and attempt to maximize their learning potential. This is the first goal of early social rehabilitation work.
The second important goal is to prevent secondary defects by children with developmental disabilities. This can be due to two main reasons: either after an unsuccessful attempt to halt the progression of the primary defects through medical, therapeutic or educational exposure, or as a result of a breakdown in the relationship between the child and the family, caused mainly by the parents’ expectations for the baby did not come true.
The third goal of early social rehabilitation work is to rehabilitate a family with children with developmental disabilities to meet their child’s needs as effectively as possible.
Conclusions. So, at first glimpse, the problem of social rehabilitation and adaptation for a child is almost solved at school time.
However, the effectiveness of social adaptation is determined by two circumstances: the level of personal development of the blind persons and the socio-economic structure of society, its attitude to the disabled.
Therefore, for the harmonious development of a child with a visual impairment, we must create a whole set of living conditions that would meet his/her needs. In this case, social, psychological, elemental and cultural rehabilitation are only small links of the general system, designed to solve the problems of visually impaired children.
Because throughout the child’s development there is a feeling of inferiority due to the physical immaturity of the child, his or her self-doubt and insecurity, as well as a sense of imperfection, the concept of compensation is important against the background of these problems. It is compensation that opens the creative character of development.
Therefore, rehabilitation and adaptation processes are important in the lives of children with visual impairments. Another important factor for the harmonious development of a child with a visual impairment is the influence of the external social environment, namely: socialization of children with a visual impairment have all the rights and opportunities to develop fully, to improve their knowledge, skills and abilities, to apply them in practice, to realize themselves as a specialist in a selected area of activity.

Author Biography

О. Platonova, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Ph.D. in Pedagogy,
Associate Professor of the Department
of Social Work and Educational
and Pedagogical Sciences
T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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