competence approach, teacher of professional education, technological competenceAbstract
The article deals with the problem of the implementation of the competence approach into native system of education the necessity of which is caused by social integration processes, the development of information systems, demand for higher education standards. On the base of the analysis of the scientific works related to the problem of the research it has been found out the advantages of the competence approach over the traditional one. Implementation of the competence approach into general and secondary education raises the problem of forming the professional competence of the teacher. Hence, it has been defined that research papers represent different classifications of professional competence of the teachers but a lot of them distinguish the technological competence in the structure of the professional one.
As the specification of the structure of the professional competence in many cases is governed by the specificity of the professional activity and its belonging to defined professional types the purpose of the research is to find out the essence and peculiarities of the structure of the technological competence of the future teacher of professional education at technological departments.
The methodology of the research bases on the ideas of the system, learner – centered, task – based, competence and technological approaches in education.
The scientific novelty of the research. It has been proved that professional activity of the teacher of professional education at technological departments includes pedagogic and engineering components, therefore, the technological competence must reflect possibilities and abilities for professional activity in respect to both components harmonically integrated in the educational process.
Conclusion. Peculiarities of the structure of the technological competence of the teacher of professional education at technological departments require further studying with the aim of including this phenomenon in the process of professional preparation.
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