adaptation, child with special needs, fairy tale, fairytale therapy, inclusive educationAbstract
The article presents the author's position regarding the adaptation process of children with special needs to the conditions of the educational institution. Typical difficulties in the adaptation process of these children are the fear of interaction with others, responding at the lessons, inability to make friends of classmates, ignoring or misunderstanding the behavior rules at school. The author argues that the efficient method for effective primary adaptation is fairytale therapy as a method that uses a fairytale form to integrate the person, develop her creative abilities, expand consciousness, and improve interaction with the world around.
Article's purpose is to characterize the features of using the fairytale therapy method in the process of adaptation of children with special needs to the conditions of the educational institution, presenting its potential opportunities and methodical aspects of implementation.
Methodology of research is based on the analysis and synthesis of scientific sources, observation and comparative the practices of social work with children with special needs. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work is the idea of art-therapy as a scientific and practical field of helping clients. It integrates pedagogical, psychological and artistic components (O. Kopytin, O. Tararina, B. Teplov).
Scientific novelty of the article is that the author's vision of methodical aspects of using the fairytale method for primary adaptation of children with special needs to the conditions of the educational institution is offered.
Conclusions. The fairytale therapy is an effective method for adaption of children with special needs to the conditions of educational institutions. Thanks to it, children can express their emotions in the form of oral or drawn, fashioned, made of sand or fabric of fairy tale plots. It is also an important element of social support for a child's by a specialist. It helps a specialist to focus on the actual tasks of the pupil’s personality development at the stage of entering a new educational space. It promotes the child's understanding of adults' concernment in his success, helps to reduce the level of negative behavior display, stabilization the emotional background, which are important for the adaptation process.
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