

teacher's assistant, inclusive environment, children with special educational needs, paraprofessional, pedagogical support


The purpose of the article is to highlight the role and features of the teaching assistant profession in Canada's comprehensive inclusive space.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that, based on the study of Canadian scientific sources and researches, the peculiarities of the teaching assistant's profession are analyzed, the basic qualification requirements for the work and competence that the teacher's assistant must have in the process of working with children with special needs are identified. Associations of teacher assistants have been identified, which play a significant role in the implementation of an inclusive environment in schools. Teacher associations play an important role in creating an inclusive environment. As teachers are able to develop a variety of guidelines, guides that accumulate the most pressing problems young professionals face.
The methodological basis of the article is the provisions that reveal conceptual approaches to the issues under study. In order to determine the methodology of the research on the basis of the materials of scientific and methodological information, the analysis of principles, approaches and methods of studying the problem (analysis, synthesis, comparison, comparison) was carried out.
Conclusions. Research on the role of Teacher Assistant in Canada is essential for the content of modern inclusive education, which develops through humanization and democratization, socialization introduces the principles of person-centered learning, individual approach and upbringing of future children, and the involvement of children with special educational needs. The Assistant Teacher in Canada's General Education Area should assist students with special educational needs to acquire the knowledge, skills and competences necessary for a meaningful life in the classroom, school, and community. An important feature of the teacher's assistant personality is the ability to communicate effectively. When working with a child, the assistant should be patient, alert, calm. Another of its qualities is flexibility and adaptability, the ability to act in several roles at once, both among adults and children.

Author Biography

B. Turko, Ivan Franko Lviv National University

Ph.D. Student,
Ivan Franko Lviv National University
(Lviv, Ukraine)


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