
  • Vasyl Dedukh T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»



human needs, education, system, pedagogical system, pedagogical skills, pedagogical mastery


In memory of Serhii Volodymyrovych Tkachenko

The goal of the work. To establish compliance with the criteria of systemicity of the components of the social institute «Education» as a system.
Methodology. Analysis, synthesis, generalization, concretization, systematization of philosophical and psychological and pedagogical literature, scientific and practical experience. Scientific novelty. The «Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs» was supplemented and its new components were substantiated: «The need for health, the need for motor exercises, the need to create a family, the need for socialization»; a verbal (descriptive) formula of the «Health» category of a person is formulated; the use of the supplemented levels of A. Maslow's hierarchy and their components as a system-creating basis of «Education» as a state institution is proposed; a 15-component model of the components of pedagogical mastery was created; a violation of the isomorphism between the classroom/auditory organization of the educational process and the mechanisms of memory formation was established.
Conclusions. 1. Despite the existing structural and functional composition of national education, it is not a strictly formalized system, because it does not ensure the movement of objective information between its levels vertically and horizontally.
2. Supplemented with new levels and their constituents, «Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs» can be the content basis of the public sector «Education».
3. The fifteen-component model of pedagogical mastery – more broadly and deeply reveals the essence of an education specialist and can be the basis of a teacher's professional profile.
4. Contents of the «Health Formula» – a systematic description of the construction of the methodology for its strengthening.
5. The existing working technology of the subject-disciplinary organization of the educational process is in conflict with the mechanisms of neuropsychological memory formation.
6. Each graduate of a school (lyceum, gymnasium), university – the field of education should be taught to establish and understand their current opportunities, directions and ways of developing their own potential, help create a well-founded motivation for choosing a profession, planning life stages, analytical and synthetic skills for working with information; avoiding ambitious illusions about one's future.
7. Education is an extremely complex, hyper-complex, structured system that requires a fresh ideology, the development of a constructive concept based on it, followed by the implementation of formulated principles, laws, methods, rules, and mechanisms in the subject content of the educational process.

Author Biography

Vasyl Dedukh, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Consultant of the Department of pedagogy, psychology and methods of physical education, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» (Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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