future teachers of physical culture, professional training, assessment competence, motor activity, students of secondary education, pedagogical conditionsAbstract
Problem. The article analyzes the pedagogical conditions for the formation of assessment competence of future physical education teachers in the process of assessing the motor activity of secondary education students.
The purpose of this research is to substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the formation of assessment competence of future teachers of physical culture in the process of assessing the motor activity of students of secondary education.
The research methodology is based on modern provisions of pedagogical science and reflects the relationship of methodological approaches to the study of the process of professional training of future physical education teachers in general and the formation of their assessment competence in particular.
Scientific novelty. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of evaluative competence of future physical culture teachers in the process of evaluating the motor activity of secondary education students have been identified and analyzed.
Conclusions. 1. The professional training of future school physical culture teachers for the formation of evaluation competence in the process of evaluating the motor activity of secondary education students should be implemented as a purposeful, systematic and organized process. 2. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of evaluative competence in the process of evaluating the motor activity of students of secondary education are a combination of methods, means and content of training, which affect the quality of the educational process and constitute the optimal educational environment for the assimilation of physical culture knowledge by future teachers. 3. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of evaluative competence in the process of evaluating the motor activity of secondary education students are as follows: development and implementation of a comprehensive training program for future physical education teachers; informative pedagogical support of professional training; organizational and methodical training of future physical education teachers. 4. The effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for forming the assessment competence of future physical education teachers in the process of assessing the motor activity of secondary education students depends on the practice-oriented educational environment of the institution of higher education.
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